Friday, December 14, 2012


My son is 5...well, he'll be 6 very soon.  He is rambunctious, curious, energetic, creative, rambunctious...!  Sometimes I forget that this sweet, kind, very big hearted little boy is just that-a little boy!  Sometimes I expect him to act like a big kid or to remember the 25 times previous (in one day) that I've told him to stop fighting the sofa with his light saber!  But the truth is, he's 5.  Sure he can be a 'selective listener' (a skill I'm pretty sure he's learning from his daddy), and he can be rebellious and defiant.  But 98% of the time, he's just a little boy, who is so enthralled and enchanted by his surroundings and his imagination that he needs to be lovingly lead...carefully reminded who he is and the boundaries of  his world.

I'm not 5 anymore, by a lot of years!  I'm reliable on most days to behave, listen and not entice the couch to a light saber battle.  But I still forget.  I still lose sight of who I am, and the boundaries of my world.  I still need to be lovingly lead, carefully guided and reminded.  It's a task I can't do for myself the way I can for my own son and daughter, while they are young.

Romans 1:3-4 says:
'Concerning the Son, who was descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord'

Paul needed to remind his fellow believers in Rome just Who this Jesus that they were building their faith upon and church around, was.  He wasn't just a good Rabbi, though He was the best to ever live.  He wasn't just a performer of miraculous signs and wonders, though He revealed the absolute power of God in amazing ways during His life.  He wasn't just a prophet as they had learned of in previous generations.  Jesus is the Messiah!  He's the One the scriptures have been pointing to, revealing and prophesying about!  He is fully man-descended from the line of David, just like scriptures foretold.  He's also fully and powerfully God's own son-shown in His all-powerful defeat and victory over all sin and death itself in His resurrection from the grave!  This Jesus, isn't just good and helpful, He IS life itself, the reason we are here and the rock on which we build our faith, our church, our everything!

I needed this reminder today, just as those in Rome did so many years ago.  I need this reminder everyday as I forget who I am, or should I say whose I am.  This story isn't about me.  But because of who He is, I get to be a part if it.  This isn't about my perfection or successes, but His perfection for me!  I'm sure to forget, but He is faithful to remind.

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