"For freedom Christ has set us free, stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."
Beginning January 23rd at 7pm I will be leading a new learning group through this book, "Breaking Free:Discover the Victory of Total Surrender" by Beth Moore at Bridgepoint Church-Palm Harbor.
This book has been on my bookshelf for a LONG time, maybe 5+ years! I've read the Preface and first chapter at least a dozen times. But for some reason, as He usually does, God did NOT engage me in these pages on those occasions. A few weeks ago, however, it was as if He flung the book off my shelf and whacked me upside the head with it saying, 'Now, it's time for this!' I'm ready...I think :)
If I had to sum up or put together a 'theme' for my heart and the work God has been doing in it over the past few years--it'd most definitely be FREEDOM. Freedom from approval, freedom from expectations. Freedom from my own selfishness, imperfections and securities. Freedom from myself to freedom IN Christ. Alone. His perfection for my failure. His acceptance for my rejection. His successes for my inabilities and shortcomings. His perfect love in place of my endless ego, vanity, worry and unbelief. We were never meant to 'do' this life by our own means-in our own efforts-by our own will and desires. Because on our own, in our own merit-we're hopeless, helpless. Most of us don't want to admit that kind of posture, but it's truth. We were made for God, by God, to be a part of His Story of sweet rescue and redemption as HE rescues and redeems us-His beloved children. This has always been HIS story, He's always been the Hero, the main character..not me. Just the acknowledgement of this has brought my heart tremendous freedom and hope--joy inexpressible!
BUT. There's always a but.
As a follower, believer, lover of Jesus-a Christian-is it possible that I'm NOT walking fully (or even dabbling) in the freedom we have offered us in Christ? Is it possible for our hearts to be saved, redeemed, rescued and forgiven-yet we still live bound to and subject under our own shortcomings and abilities? We know in our heads that grace is a gift, yet we spend our days often in attempts to earn God's favor and love. Is it possible for a Christian to know Christ but not live in His freedom?
I believe the answer is yes. It's true for me. I wonder if it's true for you?
This journey through 'Breaking Free' won't be a short one...and I'm not just talking about the 47 chapters inside the cover. I believe with everything in me that this journey will only be the beginning of a much longer adventure-one toward true freedom. Freedom from a lot of 'things' and freedom in the person of Jesus. I'm asking God for BIG things during our time together. I'm asking for nothing short of full and total transformation in Christ...mine and yours! It might be painful at times. It might seem impossible. It might require more than I bargained for, but we can be sure we won't be going this alone. And we know that victory awaits us as we take each step-hand in hand with the One who has already fought every battle--and won!
I don't know what you're struggling with today. I don't know what this road will look like for you. But I know the One calling us to live in the beautiful light of His freedom and grace. He finishes what He starts, and He wants to see His children living, breathing and walking daily in freedom! You won't have to do this alone. I hope you'll join me on this adventure. Mark your calendar, buy the book (here) and hold on tight...