I used to be pretty big into the whole 'New Years resolution' thing. I'd make my list, and Jan1 (ok, 3rd, really...) I'd get all gung-ho about whatever it was I'd decided I had set my mind to that year. And by March...I'm not sure I could've (or would've) told you what it was I'd committed myself to so whole-heartedly! I'm a girl of good intentions. I really do mean well...really. After reading countless self-help articles on weight-loss, organization and personal motivation...I truly believe that I can do anything. Maybe even conquer the world! And then reality sets it...busy schedules, hectic mornings, too much on the to-do lists, car lines, laundry piles, the list goes on....
And year after year, I find myself in the same spot. STUCK. No farther than where I started. No more achieved than what was intentioned (albeit well) in my mind's eye.
Not this year.
Sure, you say...that's what they ALL say at 12:33am on New Years Day! But here's where it changes. This year...2012...isn't about me. It can't be. Because Amy just can't cut it, won't get it done and WILL fail...time after time after time. But there's an upside....I'm not supposed to get it done, make the cut or be perfect time and time again!
This year, God has said, 'Live FREE!' Free from perfection, free from expectations...free from having to do it all...on your own. This year, I WILL cling, yes CLING to the perfection of Christ...and truly believe that His perfection means that I'm free to not be. I'm not talking lazy here...I'm talking freedom! Jesus came to this earth, lived the perfect life and gave it (conquered it to be exact!) because He knew I never would. On my own, my good intentions are worthless. But HIS goodness...THAT I can count on, trust in, and cling to this new year! He not only offers this to us, but longs for us to receive it and truly LIVE...the life we were made for!
So this year, I'll pass on the goals (although personal goals and reflections aren't bad!) I'll stop putting requirements on what success and achievement looks like for me. Instead, I'll gladly accept the challenge to 'live FREE' this year...hand in hand with Christ...clinging to His perfection and goodness...and take each day one step at a time. After all, this life isn't really about me. And THAT...gives me more freedom than I know what to do with :)